Must Have Safety Gears To Control Riot or Crowd

June 29, 2022

Riots and outbreaks of violence in protest are nowadays common. These situations can easily get heated up and require police force to stop them from rampaging around. For example, in 2020, after the death of George Floyd, a massive riot happened, estimated to cost around $2 billion.

Riots can bring significant changes to the economy of a country. So, officers must be equipped with the right gear to control riots. Here are some important gears to use during a Riot.

Gas masks

It is basic yet crucial equipment during a riot. Using gas grenades or tear gases is common to control the crowd. So, when equipped with the right gas mask, you can stay unaffected by these gases and better combat people. Defense retailers keep the gas mask for sale in online or offline shops.

Body shield

Protestors can use sticks and stones against officers. So, these body shields are used to defend against such problems and are highly durable. In addition, some shields are designed concave to capture primary offenders.

Special force helmets

Special force helmets are perfect for riots. You can equip any item with a special force helmet and use them while ensuring the safety of your head.

These three are the most vital gear you must have before jumping into a riot. Besides these, you can also get a bulletproof vest for proper body safety, so whether you want to get a body shield or each. You can get them from Best Safety Apparels.

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